Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thoughts on Alyssa's "Why Celebrities and Politics don't Mix" blog post

In her recent blog post, "Why Celebrities and Politics don't Mix," from her blog "America Lately," Alyssa argues that Donald Trump wants to run for President just to gain more publicity. "Like a true celebrity he couldn't resist the spotlight," she writes. She writes of how his criticisms of Obama are often pointless and racist. One of the biggest ways Trump has gained more attention is asking for Obama's birth certificate. I agree that this is pointless at any time of Obama's term and should not be in focus, especially now. Each quote she uses is a link to the source it came from. This way of citation I think is especially useful because we can click on her facts to learn more about them. Her editorial has a good balance of facts and opinions. She uses quotes from Trump and others in order to show what she thinks his real motives are. I have one small criticism to her editorial. She doesn't explain who Andy Ostroy is even though he may be pretty famous. I think it would be better to have a brief introduction to state who he is.

Alyssa offers a good, informative argument that reads smoothly.

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