Thursday, February 10, 2011

Current Health Care Struggles

McConnell: We'll Keep Fighting Health Care Law Whether it's Popular or Not
This is a short article from CBS of how Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell and other Republicans continue to work hard to keep the health care bill from passing. McConnell claims "we are not about to retreat." He says that it's unconstitutional to force everyone to buy health care.

This is a good article to read to get an idea of some of what is going on in health care. The word "fighting" in the title I think sums up what is going on right now. Although everyone is going to have different opinions on health care, we are not so different that we can't communicate and work things out. There isn't really an option for compromise on some issues, but I think we could compromise some on health care. I think health care is a right to anyone who will take it, which I think would be everyone. If people don't want health care though, then they shouldn't be forced to have it. This is my opinion and of course everyone wants to "win," but I think that we should all be represented in this since government will never be ideal for everyone.

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